About Me

I am a science teacher becoming Podcaster and love to share information with others. My students call me Mrs. B and have asked me MANY different questions over my decade in the classroom. When teaching middle school I began “Question Time with Mrs. B” where students could ask me anything. Every year I would spend the last day talking with students about things I should keep and things I should change. The one thing they all agreed on was keeping “Question Time” going. High School students didn’t buy into it as much, but I learned they did still have a lot of questions and would just ask me at other times instead. Lately, I have also spent a lot of time researching various topics for my own knowledge and to be able to pass on information to my two young children. I decided to start my podcast, Advice with Mrs. B, as a way to share answers to questions I am asked along with random facts I learn. Be sure to subscribe and follow me to learn along with me. If you have a question yourself, reach out and ask!